This episode was a long time in the making for good and sad reasons. Before Dragon Con on Labor Day weekend, I pushed to get out four new episodes of the relaunched The Geeky Side. The Geeky Side is now a talk show where I interview a guest or two on what they geek out about. I've included links below to the episodes - so you can get your geek on too.
Dragon Con was amazing as always, and I learned new things about myself and what I am capable of doing. My last con for the year will be Multiverse in Atlanta GA, October 14-16. Check them out - and make sure to drop by a panel if you are at the con. On September 12th as we were almost recovered from Dragon, our sweet Shadow was suddenly ill. I looked into his eyes, and I saw how afraid and confused he was and I knew something was wrong. Our vet broke the news to us later that our poor boy, just like our Clover girl in 2020, was riddled with cancer. With multiple tumors and internal bleeding, we sadly helped him to gain his wings and cross the rainbow bridge. He would've been 11 in October. I didn't realize how much of a presence he was, until his barking at the leaf three doors down wasn't present in my life. I miss him more than words can say. Our sweet 16.5 year-old Bandit is adjusting to being an only puppy again. He keeps looking for his bigger little brother, but thankfully his tail is a wagging and he is still enjoying life. Our two sweet kitties help bring smiles to our faces with their antics. Gidget and Leia are true blessings. I had a logo designed right before Dragon Con, and it included my sweet fur babies. The artist, Emily Swan, was sweet to add a little halo around my Shadow's ear. He's always with me. This time on Geek Meets Social I didn't include a tip and tool for you. I hope the conversation about Shadow will warm your heart. It warmed mine. Thanks for listening.
Links to The Geeky Side relaunch episodes:
Brian - my co-host from Leveling Azeroth Tawdra Kandle - Author Casey Sears - Metro-Atlanta real estate agent Berta Platas - Author
Tyra BurtonI'm a gamer-girl, gadget geek, professor, podcaster, author, & fur-mom to Dobby, Leia, and Gidget. Where to ListenArchives
July 2024
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